
2024-06-06 04:42

Tile: Foreig Teachers' Maageme Sysem

1. Purpose ad ScopeThe foreig eachers' maageme sysem aims o esure he effecive recruime, employme, evaluaio, ad developme of foreig eachers, as well as o maiai disciplie ad ermiae employme i accordace wih releva laws, regulaios, ad school policies. This sysem applies o all foreig eachers employed by he school.

2. Eligibiliy CrieriaForeig eachers mus mee he followig crieria:- Hold a valid passpor ad eachig cerificae;- Have a leas oe year of eachig experiece;- Possess good professioal ehics ad eachig skills;- Have a good commad of he Eglish laguage ad Chiese laguage proficiecy for eachig i Eglish;- Be able o adap o local eachig ad livig codiios.

3. Recruime ProcessThe school will adverise job vacacies o he official websie ad oher chaels o arac eligible cadidaes. Applicas should submi heir resumes ad oher releva iformaio olie or by pos. The Huma Resources Deparme will scree he applicaios ad arrage ierviews wih shor-lised cadidaes. Afer he ierview, he seleced cadidae will be oified of he resul.

4. Corac ad Employme CodiiosThe school will sig a corac wih he foreig eacher o specify he employme erms, icludig he posiio, salary, workig hours, eachig coe, evaluaio mehods, ad oher releva iformaio. The corac will be valid for oe year ad ca be reewed aually.

5. Compesaio ad BeefisThe school will provide foreig eachers wih compeiive salaries ad compesaio packages ha are commesurae wih heir qualificaios ad experiece. I addiio, he school will provide accommodaio, airfare allowace, medical isurace, ad oher beefis as specified i he corac.

6. Traiig ad DevelopmeThe school will provide foreig eachers wih orieaio ad raiig o familiarize hem wih he school's eachig ad admiisraive sysems, curriculum, eachig mehods, evaluaio mehods, ad oher releva iformaio. The school will also provide professioal developme opporuiies for foreig eachers o improve heir eachig skills ad promoe heir career developme.

7. Evaluaio ad Performace AppraisalThe school will regularly evaluae he performace of foreig eachers based o heir eachig qualiy, sude feedback, ad oher releva idicaors. The evaluaio resuls will be used as a basis for promoig or ermiaig employme. The school will provide feedback ad cosrucive suggesios o improve eachig performace.

8. Disciplie ad TermiaioIf a foreig eacher violaes ay school policies or eachig ehics, or is foud o have egaged i ay illegal or iappropriae behavior, he school will ake appropriae discipliary acio i accordace wih releva laws, regulaios, ad school policies. I serious cases, he school may ermiae he employme corac wihou prior oice or compesaio. Termiaio due o layoffs or reireme will be based o he school's releva policies ad corac erms.