
2024-07-14 20:01

TOEFL, IELTS: Differeces ad Similariies

Whe i comes o Eglish proficiecy ess, TOEFL (Tes of Eglish as a Foreig Laguage) ad IELTS (Ieraioal Eglish Laguage Tesig Sysem) are wo of he mos widely recogized ad respeced. While boh ess aim o assess o-aive Eglish speakers’ abiliy o commuicae i he laguage, here are several key differeces bewee he wo.

Purpose ad Use

The primary purpose of TOEFL is o evaluae he abiliy of o-aive Eglish speakers who wish o sudy or work i Eglish-speakig couries. I is primarily used by higher educaio isiuios ad professioal orgaizaios as a crieria for admissio ad/or cerificaio. The IELTS exam, o he oher had, is also aimed a evaluaig proficiecy for academic ad immigraio purposes, bu i is more widely used i he UK, Ausralia, Caada, ad ew Zealad.

Forma ad Srucure

The TOEFL es is divided io four secios: readig, liseig, speakig, ad wriig. The readig secio icludes muliple-choice quesios, as well as asks ha require sudes o read ad udersad complex exs. The liseig secio feaures iegraed liseig ad speakig asks. The speakig secio assesses prouciaio, grammar, vocabulary usage, ad fluecy. The wriig secio evaluaes asks ha require sudes o wrie essays ad summarize iformaio from academic readigs.

The IELTS exam also has four secios: liseig, readig, wriig, ad speakig. The liseig secio coais muliple-choice quesios ad asks ha es comprehesio of academic ad social coexs. The readig secio feaures quesios ha evaluae vocabulary kowledge, udersadig of criical argumes, ad aalyical reasoig skills. The wriig secio ess proficiecy i boh academic ad persoal wriig asks, while he speakig secio assesses prouciaio, fluecy, grammar, ad vocabulary usage.

Scorig Sysem

TOEFL is scored o a scale of 0-120, wih higher scores idicaig higher proficiecy levels. Each secio coribues o he overall score: readig (30), liseig (30), speakig (20), ad wriig (22). IELTS scores rage from 0-9, wih higher scores idicaig higher proficiecy levels. Each secio coribues o he overall score: liseig (9), readig (9), wriig (9), ad speakig (9).


Whe choosig bewee TOEFL ad IELTS, i’s impora o cosider your specific eeds ad goals. If you’re aimig o sudy or work i he Uied Saes or Caada, TOEFL may be your preferred choice. If you’re aimig o sudy or work i he UK, Ausralia, or ew Zealad, IELTS may be more suiable. However, keep i mid ha some isiuios may accep eiher es score for admissio purposes. I’s always a good idea o check wih he specific isiuio or program you’re ieresed i o see which es hey prefer or require.