toefl和toefl ibt

2024-07-11 19:57

TOEFL ad TOEFL iBT: A Comprehesive Guide

The Tes of Eglish as a Foreig Laguage (TOEFL) is a sadardized es desiged o assess he proficiecy of o-aive Eglish speakers i he laguage. I is oe of he mos widely recogized Eglish proficiecy ess globally, wih over 10,000 orgaizaios accepig TOEFL scores for admissio or placeme. TOEFL is admiisered by he Educaioal Tesig Service (ETS) ad is available i wo formas: TOEFL paper-based es (TOEFL PBT) ad TOEFL Iere-based es (TOEFL iBT).

TOEFL iBT, which was iroduced i 2005, is he mos widely used forma of he TOEFL es. I is a compuer-based es ha simulaes real-world laguage use, focusig o he four laguage skills: liseig, readig, wriig, ad speakig. The es is divided io four secios: he Readig secio, he Liseig secio, he Speakig secio, ad he Wriig secio. Each secio has a maximum score of 30 pois, for a oal maximum score of 120 pois.

Compared o he TOEFL PBT, he TOEFL iBT has several advaages. The mos sigifica advaage is ha he es is admiisered i a secure compuer-based evirome, which elimiaes he eed for maual scorig ad reduces he chaces of huma error. Addiioally, he TOEFL iBT provides immediae feedback o es akers o heir performace, allowig hem o ideify areas where hey eed o improve.

I order o achieve a high score o he TOEFL iBT, es akers eed o have a srog commad of Eglish grammar ad vocabulary, as well as good readig ad liseig comprehesio skills. They also eed o be able o quickly ad accuraely complee muliple-choice quesios ad iegrae iformaio from differe sources o cosruc cohere resposes i wriig ad speakig asks.

I coclusio, TOEFL iBT is a comprehesive es ha assesses o-aive Eglish speakers' proficiecy i all areas of Eglish laguage use. I is a reliable measure of Eglish proficiecy ad is widely acceped by uiversiies ad oher orgaizaios worldwide. To achieve a high score o he TOEFL iBT, es akers eed o have a srog grasp of Eglish grammar, vocabulary, readig, ad liseig skills, as well as he abiliy o quickly ad accuraely complee muliple-choice quesios ad cosruc cohere resposes i wriig ad speakig asks.