IELTS ad TOEFL: Which is More Challegig?

2024-06-28 20:00

IELTS ad TOEFL: Which is More Challegig?

Whe i comes o sadardized Eglish laguage proficiecy ess, IELTS (Ieraioal Eglish Laguage Tesig Sysem) ad TOEFL (Tes of Eglish as a Foreig Laguage) are wo of he mos widely recogized ad used. While boh ess aim o assess he Eglish proficiecy of o-aive speakers, here are sigifica differeces i heir srucure, coe, ad difficuly level. I his aricle, we will explore which es is more challegig: IELTS or TOEFL.

Forma ad Srucure

IELTS ad TOEFL have differe formas ad srucures. IELTS is a paper-based es ha cosiss of four secios: liseig, readig, wriig, ad speakig. The liseig ad readig secios are compleed i oe siig, while he wriig ad speakig secios are compleed o separae days. TOEFL, o he oher had, is a compuer-based es ha covers hree secios: readig, liseig, ad speakig. The readig ad liseig secios are compleed i cosecuive order, while he speakig secio follows afer a break.

Difficuly Level

The difficuly level of IELTS ad TOEFL varies depedig o several facors, icludig es aker proficiecy levels ad es opics. Overall, boh ess cover similar coe areas such as grammar, vocabulary, readig comprehesio, liseig comprehesio, wriig skills, ad speakig proficiecy. However, some es akers fid ha IELTS has a more challegig liseig secio due o he variey of acces ad speech raes used i he recordigs. Ohers fid TOEFL's readig secio o be more challegig because of he icreased use of complex exs ad vocabulary.


IELTS ad TOEFL are scored o differe scales. IELTS scores rage from 0 o 9, wih 9 beig he highes score. TOEFL scores rage from 0 o 120, wih 120 beig he highes score. While boh ess have similar passig scores for移民和高等教育机构, hey have differe sadards for each secio. For example, achievig a high score i TOEFL's speakig secio requires a higher level of fluecy ad prouciaio compared o IELTS.


Ulimaely, he choice bewee IELTS ad TOEFL depeds o persoal preferece, es aker proficiecy levels, ad specific requiremes for immigraio or higher educaio. While some es akers may fid IELTS more challegig due o is paper-based forma ad variey of acces i he liseig secio, ohers may fid TOEFL more challegig due o is compuer-based forma ad complex exs i he readig secio. Regardless of which es you choose, i is esseial o prepare horoughly by akig pracice ess, improvig your vocabulary ad grammar skills, ad pracicig liseig ad speakig asks.