
2024-06-30 23:05


1. 日常生活

Woma: I ca' believe how much ice cream I ae his summer. I gaied five pouds!

Ma: Me oo. I feel like I'm always eaig.

Quesio: Wha are he speakers alkig abou?


2. 学习教育

Ma: Do you hik sudes should be required o ake a laguage course?

Woma: I hik i would be a good idea. I would help hem commuicae beer i he fuure.

Quesio: Wha are he speakers alkig abou?


3. 工作职场

Woma: I really ejoy my job, bu someimes I feel like I'm o challeged eough.

Ma: Maybe you should alk o your boss abou geig a ew projec or movig o a differe deparme.

Quesio: Wha are he speakers alkig abou?


4. 休闲娱乐

Woma: Have you see he ew acio movie ha jus came ou?

Ma: o, bu I've heard i's really good. I migh check i ou his weeked.

Quesio: Wha are he speakers alkig abou?


5. 健康医疗

Woma: I've bee feelig really ired laely. I hik I migh be comig dow wih somehig.

Ma: You should ge checked ou by a docor he. Do' wa o risk ayhig serious happeig.

Quesio: Wha are he speakers alkig abou?
