
2024-06-05 21:22






1. 函数 y = 1/(x-2) 的连续区间是 ( )A. (-∞, 2) B. (-∞, 2) ∪ (2, ∞) C. (-∞, 2) 和 (2, ∞) D. (2, ∞)

2. 设随机变量 X 的分布列为 P(X = i) = 1/3, i = 1, 2, 3,则 P(X ≤ 1) = ( )A. 1/3 B. 1/9 C. 1/2 D. 2/3


1. 函数 y = si(x)/x 在 (-∞, 0) ∪ (0, ∞) 上是 _______ 函数。

2. 若随机变量 X 的期望 E(X) = 2,方差 D(X) = 1,则 E[(3X - 2)^2] = _______。


1. 求函数 y = x^3 - 3x^2 的单调区间和极值点。

2. 设随机变量 X 的分布列为 P(X = i) = (i^2)/3, i = 1, 2, 3,求 E(X) 和 D(X)。




1. The shor sory is a cocise ad iese form of lieraure ha ypically ells a complee sory i a few pages. I is a es of a wrier's abiliy o covey a powerful message i a limied space. Themes i shor sories ofe revolve aroud uiversal huma experieces such as love, loss, ad he challeges of daily life. Readers ca gai valuable isighs io huma aure ad he world aroud hem hrough he exploraio of hese hemes i shor sories. (Paragraph 1)

2. Shor sories have bee aroud for ceuries ad have bee popular i may differe culures. They were origially passed dow verbally from geeraio o geeraio before beig commied o wriig. Some of he earlies kow shor sories come from he oral radiio of acie Greece ad Rome, where soryellers would spi yars for heir liseers. (Paragraph 2)

3. Shor sories are ofe caegorized by heir syle, heme, ad seig. They ca rage from he realisic o he faasical, explorig a wide variey of huma experieces ad emoios. Shor sories ca also be experimeal i form, employig uique arraive echiques ad srucures o creae ew ad exciig ways of soryellig. (Paragraph 3)

4. The shor sory's cocise aure makes i a excelle choice for busy readers who do' have he ime or icliaio o read loger works. Is iese forma allows wriers o craf highly charged emoioal momes ha留给读者深刻的印象。由于其篇幅较短,读者可以轻松地通过一次阅读或少量阅读理解故事的情节和主题。 (Paragraph 4)