
2024-05-24 13:32

IELTS ad PTE: A Comparaive Aalysis

IELTS ad PTE are wo of he mos popular Eglish laguage proficiecy ess worldwide. While boh ess aim o assess cadidaes’ abiliy o commuicae i Eglish, here are some key differeces bewee hem. I his aricle, we will compare ad coras IELTS ad PTE, focusig o heir formas, coe, ad scorig sysems.

IELTS (Ieraioal Eglish Laguage Tesig Sysem) was developed i 1989 ad is joily owed by he Briish Coucil, IDP: IELTS Ausralia, ad he Uiversiy of Cambridge ESOL Examiaios. I is recogized by over 10,000 orgaizaios i over 140 couries, icludig uiversiies,移民局,雇主, ad govermes. IELTS is desiged o assess he laguage proficiecy of cadidaes who wa o sudy or work i Eglish-speakig couries.

There are wo versios of IELTS: Academic ad Geeral Traiig. The Academic versio is for hose applyig o sudy a eriary level i a Eglish-speakig coury, while he Geeral Traiig versio is for hose seekig ery o secodary school or below or for hose applyig for o-academic purposes such as work or migraio.

The IELTS es baery cosiss of four secios: Liseig, Readig, Wriig, ad Speakig. I he Liseig secio, cadidaes lise o four recordigs ad aswer quesios. The Readig secio cosiss of hree exs ad accompayig asks. I he Wriig secio, cadidaes complee wo wriig asks: Task 1 (a leer or oe) ad Task 2 (a essay). The Speakig secio ivolves a face-o-face ierview wih a examier, durig which cadidaes are assessed o heir prouciaio, grammar, vocabulary, fluecy, ad abiliy o commuicae effecively.

PTE (Pearso Tes of Eglish Academic) was lauched i 2009 ad is owed by Pearso PLC, a leadig global educaio compay. PTE is acceped by over 600 orgaizaios worldwide, icludig leadig uiversiies ad immigraio auhoriies. PTE is a compuer-based es ha assesses cadidaes’ abiliy o commuicae i Eglish across all four laguage skills: readig, wriig, liseig, ad speakig.

The PTE es baery also cosiss of four secios: Liseig, Readig, Wriig, ad Speakig. The Liseig secio icludes boh muliple-choice quesios ad drag-ad-drop aciviies. The Readig secio has a variey of asks, icludig muliple-choice quesios, reorderig paragraphs, ad fillig i ables or chars. The Wriig secio requires cadidaes o wrie wo essays: oe based o a provided opic ad oe based o a graph or able. The Speakig secio is coduced via a headse wih a examier ad icludes asks such as reellig a sory or paricipaig i a discussio.

I erms of scorig sysems, IELTS uses a ie-bad scale o score cadidaes’ performace i each secio. Scores rage from 0 o 9 wih half-bad icremes. PTE uses a similar ie-bad scale bu wih slighly differe descripors for each bad.

Boh IELTS ad PTE have heir advaages ad disadvaages. IELTS is more esablished ad recogized worldwide, while PTE is ewer ad more compuer-based. IELTS has a more radiioal paper-based forma wih huma examiers coducig he Speakig secio, while PTE is coduced eirely o a compuer wih auomaed scorig for all secios excep Wriig ad Speakig.
