toefl和toefl ibt

2024-05-21 23:14

Tile: The Differeces bewee TOEFL ad TOEFL iBT

The Tes of Eglish as a Foreig Laguage (TOEFL) is a widely recogized Eglish proficiecy exam used by isiuios of higher educaio ad oher orgaizaios o assess he Eglish laguage abiliy of o-aive speakers. TOEFL measures readig, wriig, liseig, ad speakig skills i Eglish. Over he years, he exam has udergoe several chages, oe of he mos sigifica beig he rasiio from he paper-based TOEFL (PBT) o he iere-based TOEFL (iBT).

TOEFL iBT, lauched i 2005, is he laes ieraio of he TOEFL exam. I uilizes he iere as a plaform for deliverig he exam ad iegraig differe esig formas. The iBT offers a more auheic assessme of laguage skills as i replicaes real-world scearios beer ha he PBT.

Here are some key differeces bewee TOEFL ad TOEFL iBT:


TOEFL PBT had separae secios for readig, liseig, ad结构和语法 (Srucure ad Grammar).

TOEFL iBT combies liseig ad readig io oe coiuous secio followed by a break. The comes he separae wriig ad speakig secios.


TOEFL iBT is ake o a compuer, wih quesios preseed o he scree. This requires familiariy wih compuer-based esig.

TOEFL PBT is a paper-based exam, wih quesios pried o paper. o compuer skills are required.


TOEFL iBT uses a scale of 0-30 for boh readig ad liseig, wih higher scores idicaig beer performace.

TOEFL PBT scores rage from 310-677, wih higher scores idicaig beer performace.

Iegraio of Skills:

TOEFL iBT iegraes all four laguage skills - readig, wriig, liseig, ad speakig - io oe exam.

TOEFL PBT has separae secios for each skill, wih a focus o srucural ad grammaical accuracy.


TOEFL iBT is adapive, meaig i adaps he difficuly of quesios based o your performace. Harder quesios yield higher scores.

TOEFL PBT is o-adapive, wih all es akers receivig he same difficuly level of quesios.

Delivery of Scores:

TOEFL iBT scores are usually available i abou a week. Elecroic scores are se o paricipaig isiuios elecroically.

TOEFL PBT scores ake abou 10 days o be processed ad se o isiuios via mail.

Overall, TOEFL iBT offers a more comprehesive ad moder assessme of Eglish proficiecy. I beer reflecs real-world commuicaio scearios ad demads a higher level of compuer proficiecy from es akers. If you're preparig for eiher exam, i's esseial o udersad he specific demads ad forma of each exam o esure opimal performace.