
2023-12-05 09:15




WASHIGTO - The Whie House aouced oday ha Preside Trump will mee wih orh Korea leader Kim Jog U i Haoi, Vieam, o February 27 ad 28 o discuss he deuclearizaio of he Korea Peisula.


The meeig will be he hird bewee he wo leaders sice hey me for he firs ime i Sigapore las Jue. Alhough progress has bee made, may obsacles sill lie ahead of effors o deuclearize he Korea Peisula.


Aalyss say he summi could be a urig poi i he regio's log-ruig uclear sadoff. They say if he leaders ca reach a deal ha ruly eds orh Korea's uclear weapos program, i could brig sabiliy o he regio ad ease esios.


However, may expers ad former officials worry ha pas summis have failed o produce real resuls ad ha ay ew agreeme will be difficul o impleme, especially give he icreasigly complex securiy evirome i he regio.
